Contatto Diretto Con Dio - Meditazione sulla Luce Interiore e sul Suono Interiore

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La Somma Maestra Ching Hai e l'ambiente: Dobbiamo salvare il pianeta a tutti i costi

Numero: 875
Data: 18 luglio e 8 agosto 2009
Luogo: Francia
Occasione: Seminario internazionale
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: arabo, vietnamita, bulgaro, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, ceco, inglese, francese, tedesco, hindi, ungherese, indonesiano, italiano, giapponese, coreano, malese, mongolo, farsi, polacco, portoghese, punjabi, russo, spagnolo, tailandese.

During the July and August gathering with our Association members held in France, Supreme Master Ching Hai reminded everyone that if humanity truly wants to save our home and all inhabitants of this magnificent blue-green planet - the most beautiful planet in our vicinity - then there is no plan B. It's time that we all behave like benevolent, noble, protective beings and adopt a compassionate plant-based diet to save our world.

The Supreme Master encouraged everyone to go all out; with several simple and practical ways to better introduce the Earth-loving and compassionate ideals of veganism to the hearts of the wider public which will save billions of lives, including the animals, our children and our precious earthly home.