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Intervista con la Somma Maestra Ching Hai dai media messicani: Televisa TV e Agence France-Presse News Agency

Numero: 921
Data: 12 e 13 dicembre 2010<
Luogo: Cancún, Messico
Occasione: Intervista
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: arabo, vietnamita, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, olandese, inglese, francese, tedesco, ebreo, hindi, ungherese, indonesiano, italiano, giapponese, coreano, mongolo, farsi, polacco, portoghese, punjabi, rumeno, russo, spagnolo, tailandese, turco, urdu.

During the period when she attended the COP16 International Conference on Global Warming held in Cancun, Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted interviews with a journalist from Televisa TV, Mexico. While non-alcoholic beer and delicious vegan food were shared, the Supreme Master explained in great detail on how becoming a vegan changes lives and her vegan organic vision for the world. She also revealed an incredible secret how she'll save all the souls in the world!

During her interview with Agence France-Presse News Agency, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained her lifestyle as a spiritual person. Upon the request of the journalist, she told the story of her spiritual journey and how she took her first disciple. Don't miss this fascinating story told by the Master herself!