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La Somma Maestra Ching Hai sul cambiamento climatico: Una grande Missione - Salvare il Pianeta

Numero: 857
Data: 26 novembre 2008
Luogo: California, USA
Occasione: Videoconferenza
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: arabo, vietnamita, bulgaro, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, croato, ceco, inglese, francese, tedesco, hindi, ungherese, indonesiano, italiano, giapponese, coreano, mongolo, farsi, portoghese, russo, spagnolo, tailandese.

In the face of global warming, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasizes that love, a frugal life and the vegan diet is the best way of protection. Did you know that the Earth is a "super being"? She has super power and extraordinary quality of Divine consciousness, and deserves our love, appreciation and respect. Therefore love itself is our immune system.

The Supreme Master also shares an important message with President Barack Obama of the USA, "Don't be a president. Be an extraordinary leader…. Endorse a more compassionate lifestyle for the Americans. Be a hero, be a life saver. Be a historical vegan president of America and lead the world to salvation. Peace and love expands. Wars and hatred contract and isolate."