Contatto Diretto Con Dio - Meditazione sulla Luce Interiore e sul Suono Interiore

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Cercate prima il Regno di Dio

Numero: 334
Data: 17 marzo 1993
Luogo: Sydney, Australia
Occasione: Discorso pubblico
Lingua: inglese
Sottotitoli: arabo, vietnamita, cinese semplificato, cinese tradizionale, Olandese, inglese, francese, tedesco, ebreo, hindi, ungherese, indonesiano, italiano, giapponese, coreano, mongolo, farsi, polacco, portoghese, punjabi, rumeno, russo, spagnolo, tailandese, turco, urdu.

What is initiation? What is the difference between a so-called saint and an ordinary person? What is the greatest obstacle in achieving enlightenment?

In a lecture by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Sydney, Australia in 1993, Master imparts her wisdom on the esoteric teachings of the Quan Yin (Light and Sound) Method. She reveals that if we would only tune in to the Kingdom of God within, we would have everything.

"We will hear the Word of God, the music of Heaven. And this music will wake us up from the slumber of our sleep. The God power within us, the supreme wisdom, will begin to work again in a proper way."

The Supreme Master said that we came to this human life just so that we can bless the world using this supreme power.

"The Word within us is the supreme power that we have inherited from the God-Father, so we have to use it."